Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Day

We got tons of snow this week (almost a foot- I know my measurement is a bit off). It was a beautiful scene looking out towards the pond behind our house. Our dogs LOVED it. They galloped and dove in the snow until they were exhausted. Speaking of exhausted, I have shoveled our driveway three times now, no thanks to my next door neighbors with snow blowers or my husband who was conveniently out of town and now "too sick". Ha! Emma and I enjoyed our time at home. She did really want to be in the snow. I think it was too wet for her. She spent most of the time peering through the window at the dogs saying, "Dog! Dog! Ruff! Ruff!" What a nice break in the schedule for all of us.
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Carter!

Carter Wood is four years old today. It is hard to believe my nephew is that old. Since today is his "actual" birthday (his words), I had to put his picture up for all to see. Carter loves Geo Trax, Planet Heroes, Hot Wheels and soccer. He has decided to be the President some day and he just might meet that goal! Happy Birthday!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


On Wednesday morning, Emma took off walking. It's like she woke up and just decided to do it. She had been "cruising" all over the house and taken a step here and there, but this was almost a sprint. I think she must have been inspired to do something big after watching the Presidential Inauguration with her mommy. :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Love this picture. Captures the moment. So happy to be outside. Won't be doing this any time soon. We have about 6 inches of snow and negative degree temperatures as highs!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Peanut Butter

Three years ago I started having a traveling mascot in my classroom. Each week a student takes the mascot home to share in some adventures. Then the students are to write about their fun and share or draw pictures about their week. Every year I think the kids won't buy in to the whole idea and every year they love Peanut Butter more and more. Best part about Peanut Butter is that he was a carnival prize! My class this year was extremely concerned about where Peanut Butter would stay over the holidays. I made a big deal of packing him up and taking him home and then remembered on Sunday night that I forgot to take a few pictures. Peanut Butter and I went on a short trip through our house and I captured the fun for my class. I just had to share the funny photos. I especially love the one of Emma!
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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Walking is Overrated

So, Emma really has no interest in walking on her own. She cruises quickly all over the house while hanging on to something (tables, chairs, toys, dogs). She will walk holding your fingers, but the minute she loses contact she sits. We have caught her several times standing on her own. She also has taken about three steps, but that is with much bribing. I am sure she will become more brave when she sees her new friends in the Penguin Room this week at school. Emma graduated to the next room and they are all walking in there. I just need to be sure the teachers don't tell me if she does walk at school so it is a surprise to us at home!

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Thursday, January 1, 2009


This year was a fantastic holiday for our entire family. Emma was big enough to enjoy the gifts and the whole process of opening them. We were blessed to have two new babies in the family (one on each side) to add to the holiday fun. I created a slide show with photos from our celebrating and it is on the left side of the blog. There are pictures from the Wood Christmas with my parents, grandma, brother, sister-in-law, nephew Carter and niece Sadie. There are photos from the Trees Christmas with my sister-in-laws, brother-in-law and niece Hannah and nephew Cole. I even included a couple of photos of our most creative gifts. Enjoy!