Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Yes, this is Emma hanging out in the emergency room at Community North. She somehow managed to fall and hit the bridge of her nose on a step or edge of the wall at our house on my watch. She barely cried. I think I cried more! The cut required three stitches. Elmo didn't need any. The staff at Community North was fantastic. We knew the in-take nurse from my sorority which helped ease our worries. Emma also received a blanket from Project Linus. Two years ago, I led a group of students that made 60 blankets for Project Linus. The kindess came full circle!
Emma is feeling great today. She did stay home from school per the advice of the doctor. I think Emma and Daddy had tons of fun snuggling on the couch all day. I was jealous! So, we will put a check next to this in the parenting book and hope it doesn't happen again. I am in the process of putting padding throughout the entire house just in case!
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1 comment:

Andy said...

I hate to hear that. The ER is never a fun time. But now that she's moving around more that stuff happens. Don't feel bad. Lucas fell down the stairs to the basement the other day when both Mom and Dad were home with him. We didn't end up at the hospital but it did leave a nasty carpet burn on his face.