Monday, February 23, 2009

Pay It Forward

I realize times are tough, but we should always pay it forward, right? Here is a link giving information about an upcoming fundraiser for a student at my school. Check it out and think about giving a little:

Saturday, February 21, 2009


So, we caved and started taking Emma to Gymboree. I took her to a free class on one of my days off and she loved it. She loves the mirrors, the tunnels, the slides. She is an expert at pushing the big mat. The only part she is not really fond of is the parachute time. She will sit there and give us a look like, "Why am I here?" I personally like the stop at Dunkin' Doughnuts after Gymboree. Who wouldn't?
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Monday, February 9, 2009

On the Phone

Hello!?! Will someone please come and get me out of this chair and take out these stitches? Hello??

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Yes, this is Emma hanging out in the emergency room at Community North. She somehow managed to fall and hit the bridge of her nose on a step or edge of the wall at our house on my watch. She barely cried. I think I cried more! The cut required three stitches. Elmo didn't need any. The staff at Community North was fantastic. We knew the in-take nurse from my sorority which helped ease our worries. Emma also received a blanket from Project Linus. Two years ago, I led a group of students that made 60 blankets for Project Linus. The kindess came full circle!
Emma is feeling great today. She did stay home from school per the advice of the doctor. I think Emma and Daddy had tons of fun snuggling on the couch all day. I was jealous! So, we will put a check next to this in the parenting book and hope it doesn't happen again. I am in the process of putting padding throughout the entire house just in case!
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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Emma at Her Best

Emma has such a personality. Honestly, she is a little mischievous. You have to watch her every move or she is climbing, pushing or dumping something. Her favorite thing to do is push the buttons on the phone and cable box. Her favorite phrase is, "Uh, oh!" You can't help but laugh. She is only this age once!
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