Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gettin' Crafty

Not sure what came over me last week. Maybe it was the three day weekend or our surprise ice day, but I finished three craft projects. The bow organizer was way overdue. As you can see, Emma's bows have taken over. I saw one of these at a craft show for $15- $20. I made this for under $5. Emma's scarf was a special request. She noticed everyone had a scarf, but her. How could I say no to, "Mommy? Make scarf for Emma, too?" I also finished a scarf for our friend, Leigh Ann. I know she will be excited to use it this winter. Now I need to finish the pillow I started knitting a few months ago.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dr. Emma

How patient (no pun intended) is my dog, Sheldon? He allowed Emma to check his blood pressure, bandage his paw and check his ears. I couldn't belive he just sat there. By the way, Dr. Emma reported that Sheldon had bumble bees in his ears. Sounds pretty good coming from a tutu wearing doctor!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


We had our first big snowfall today and we could not wait to get home today to play in the fresh stuff. It took a while to get Emma all bundled up, but she stayed outside longer than I thought she would. The best part of the whole adventure was when I finally got all the gear on, she fell flat on her back and laid there screaming, "Help me!" I couldn't stop laughing. It was like the scene from The Christmas Story ("I can't put my arms down"). We stomped through the snow to our neighborhood park to watch the kids sled. Fortunately, Miss Claire offered a ride to Emma. (I have Claire in class this year and had her big sister, Ella, last year.) Emma got right in and took her first sled ride. We asked her if it was fun and she said, "Yea!" We asked if she wanted to do it again and she said, "No!" I think she was enjoying watching more than sledding. Before we went inside, she made her first snow angel. When I told Emma to move her arms, she waved them in the air. It took a little help, but we made the angel. She was very proud of it.
I am excited to be sleeping in tomorrow due to our 2 hour delay. Ah-h-h! The life of a teacher in snowy Indiana. :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Year of the Kitchen

The picture says it all. Emma was very fortunate to receive all she did for Christmas. So many cool things. She was ecstatic to receive here "titchen" that she has been asking for for weeks (she did say at the last minute that she wanted a horse, which threw us all off). She loves her kitchen from Momo and Papa because she can take it upstairs. The Elmo microwave from Uncle Matthew, Aunt Debbie, Carter and Sadie is always running. What great surprises! Emma is a big fan of her new rocking chair from Mimi and Papaw. She sits and rocks her new baby doll and insists that it "go to bed." She is too funny to watch as she pretends.

We are very excited to see what 2010 has in store for us! Keep checking out

our blog for more stories!