Friday, October 24, 2008

Healing and Performing

Poor, Emma. She has been through the ringer the past week. She started running a high fever last Saturday night. It is her ears. AGAIN. Yes, this baby has had more antibiotics for her ears than I have. We are on the mend, but she did spike a fever last night, so we are off to the doctor today. Good thing I am on fall break. We are also set to meet a ENT in a few weeks. Aside from her yucky ears, Emma is growing up fast. She is crawling and "cruising" everywhere. She looks like Spiderman as she attempts to scale the walls. She is squealing and giggling. She loves to "run" from you and is playing peak-a-boo. We got some of her tricks on the video. Emma has learned to clap, blow kisses and shake things and does them on command (most of the time). I think she is saying, "Dada, Oh, Yeah, Dog and Book." She is so much fun. I can't believe her first birthday will soon be here!

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